New & Noteworthy
New & Noteworthy

United States v. Henry, 81 M.J. 91 (C.A.A.F. 2021)

Defendant, charged with assault of his spouse, filed a motion to suppress statements by his child and wife as hearsay. The military judge, rejecting the government’s argument that the statements were admissible under the excited utterance exception to the rule against...

In re State, 599 S.W.3d 577 (Tex. Ct. App. 2020)

The state filed a petition for writ of mandamus after the district court issued sealed and public discovery orders in a family violence assault case, ratifying defendant’s improperly-issued subpoena duces tecum for the victim’s cell phone and denying the state’s...

State v. McAllister, 939 N.W.2d 502 (N.D. 2020)

Defendant appealed from a criminal judgment and order for restitution after a jury found him guilty of assault. Among various bases for appeal, defendant argued that his constitutional right to confront witnesses was violated because the district court limited his...

State v. Rieker, 461 P.3d 1083 (Or. Ct. App. 2020)

Defendant pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of intoxicants. He was sentenced to probation, with restitution to be determined within 90 days. Approximately 9 months later, the state filed a motion to resentence defendant to order restitution based on a...

State v. Reed, 456 P.3d 453 (Ariz. 2020)

Defendant was convicted of voyeurism and ordered to pay restitution. Defendant appealed the restitution order, but died while the appeal was pending. The court of appeals dismissed the appeal pursuant to Arizona statute, leaving the restitution order intact and...