Online Fraud – Victims’ Rights & Legal Services
Online Fraud – Victims’ Rights & Legal Services

As a victim of crime, you have legal rights.

-For information on victims’ rights by state and a list of federal rights, please see NCVLI’s Victim Law Library.

-For state-specific laws and rights you can visit the Identity Theft Resource Center or contact your local State Attorney General’s Office.

As a victim of crime, you have access to legal services:

-If your case is being investigated and/or prosecuted outside of the United States, contact NCVLI at 1-888-768-6556 for further information.

-Some states have created self-help websites with legal forms for financial fraud and identity theft.  Visit LawHelp Interactive to search for forms by state.

If you are an attorney or advocate assisting a victim of identity theft you may want to utilize the Federal Trade Commission’s Guide for Assisting Identity Theft Victims.