Spotlight: Victims’ Rights Fellow: Desiree Staeffler-Marchbanks

Desiree Staeffler-Marchbanks

Victims’ Rights Fellow

Desiree Staeffler-Marchbanks, JD, joined NCVLI in May 2018 as a Victims’ Rights Fellow. View Desiree’s biography on our Staff Page or read on to learn more about Desiree in her own words.

When someone asks you what NCVLI does, what do you tell them?
I explain that NCVLI is a national nonprofit that specializes in victims’ rights law, assisting victims in criminal, civil, administrative, and military justice systems. When attorneys or advocates need assistance, NCVLI serves as an intellectual think tank, providing expertise and innovative approaches. In doing so, NCVLI ensures victims’ rights are recognized and given the full meaning under the law.

What inspires or motivates you?
I am inspired by survivors’ strength; and I am motivated to ensure that there is access to justice for all victims, including victims in marginalized communities.

What are your hobbies?
I enjoy running, cooking, reading, gardening, practicing yoga and taking walks with my husband and our two dogs.