Spotlight: Thank you to our 2011-2012 Interns!

Thank you to our 2011-2012 Interns!

We were fortunate to have our largest ever group of interns this academic year. Ten interns joined our team – students from the fields of law, philosophy, and social work.  

In their positions they provided hundreds of hours to NCVLI’s programming, engaging in projects ranging from legal research for amicus briefs, to legal publication preparation and support, to writing editorials, to planning and coordination for the upcoming Crime Victim Law Conference.

We are grateful for these contributions to our work and wish them well in their future endeavors!  Come meet them at the Crime Victim Law Conference where they will be providing invaluable support to ensure a successful event! 

Sarah Dandurand
“Victims’ rights are the human rights that one deserves when assisting the state to solve or to prosecute a crime. A victim should be able to maintain dignity during this process.”

Taylor Duty
“Victims’ rights are crucial to instilling a deeper sense of satisfaction with the legal system. We need to respect and understand the experience of victims in order to improve the legal processes for everyone!”

Christian Eickelberg
“I have learned that victims’ rights are important because in the sweep of litigation, especially in the prosecution of an offender, the victim is often overlooked. It is important for groups like NCVLI to help foster awareness for victims’ rights because these rights are not trivial and help assure that victims feel they have the power to exercise their rights.”

Tiffanie Guimont
“In my time with NCVLI I have learned that victims’ rights are important because the recognition and exercise of victims’ rights brings victims back into the traditionally two party system of law. Victims’ rights help enable victims to assert their voice and agency within the cases and situations which have direct bearing on their lives.”

Matthew Merryman
“In my short time with NCVLI, I have discovered the complexities of victim’s rights in the criminal justice system. Through this experience I have learned the necessary role the legal community shares in promoting and protecting the rights of victims, those among us whose voice is not always heard.”

Sarah Morales
“I’ve learned that victims’ rights are about promoting inclusive and comprehensive access to the criminal justice system.  We encourage victims to seek justice by working to ensure that they will be treated as full and active participants in the justice system.”

Jessica Perry
“Victims’ rights are important because they give a voice for the largest stakeholders to ensure justice and their own safety.”

Gaston Phillips
“I learned that our legal system needs victims’ rights to prevent the people it was designed to protect from being reduced to evidence.  It is the right to be have one’s human experience recognized by a system that is too often dehumanizing.”

Jacqueline Swanson
“Victims’ rights help ensure that victims are treated fairly and with due respect in the justice system – what seems like a commonsense approach has not always been, and it’s important to keep that framework in mind when assessing enforcement. NCVLI has really opened my eyes to the real and true ramifications of legal process on victims of crime, and all the ways in which we, as future attorneys, may aid in securing rights assertion and empowerment for victims.”

Aila Wallace

“Victims’ rights are important because, for too long, victims have been kept out of the process of bringing their offenders to justice. As the people most impacted by the crimes against them, victims must have affirmative rights to have their voice heard in the criminal process.”