Spotlight: Pro Bono: Gina Atwood

Gina Atwood

Pro Bono

Gina Atwood recently joined the team at NCVLI/NAVRA to provide pro bono assistance to victims of sex trafficking who are seeking restitution.  Gina grew up in Roseburg, Oregon, but has lived in the South Pacific, the Middle East, Central America, and Asia. While living abroad, Gina learned that in many countries, human rights are often violated through human and sex trafficking.  More recently, Gina learned that domestic trafficking issues have increased significantly and that the Pacific NW is a “hub” for trafficking.  Wanting to help, Gina contacted NCVLI to see how she could contribute to work designed to aid trafficking victims.  Like many attorneys, Gina had no prior experience in victims’ rights law.  We are still thrilled to have her and put her legal skills to good use!  No experience necessary!

Gina had this to say about her work at NCVLI:

Since becoming involved with NCVLI, I have volunteered on a project to prepare a “How To” to assist practitioners seeking restitution for trafficking victims.  When I first became involved with NCVLI, I wondered what I could offer with a business litigation background.  I’ve found that basic legal research and writing skills, as well as a willingness to focus my energy where NCVLI would like assistance, are most relevant when volunteering for NCVLI.  Though this work is completely different from the work I do in my business law practice, I find the time I put in for NCVLI to be very rewarding, knowing that my work product will offer tangible assistance to victims of trafficking.