Spotlight: Outstanding Volunteer – Jacqueline Swanson

Jacqueline Swanson

Outstanding Volunteer

Jacqueline Swanson is a first law student intern who served as one of NCVLI’s 2010-2011 Violence Against Women Project Law Student Interns. Jacqueline brought an inspiring passion for victims’ rights to her work and used this passion to contribute a tremendous amount of excellent work ranging from social science research on victim impact statements to legal research on harm to victims from sharing of personal information. We are so grateful for the enormous number of hours Jacqueline donated to NCVLI even as a busy law student! We are excited to have Jacqueline staying on with us as our Violence Against Women Project Law Student Intern for Summer 2011! 

Jacqueline had this to say about her time so far at NCVLI:

As a zealous advocate for victims’ rights, I have greatly enjoyed working for NCVLI. I chose Lewis & Clark Law School solely because of NCVLI and its amazing work. My dedication and commitment to this field of law has been greatly heightened by the various projects I have been assigned. It has been a pleasure to learn and share innovative and novel approaches to advancing victims’ rights, as well as working closely with NCVLI staff, all of whom I admire greatly, both on a personal and professional level. I hope I can continue to participate and work for NCVLI throughout my law school career, while I pursue a certificate in criminal law and victim advocacy.

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