Spotlight: NCVLI Staff Profile: Terry Campos

Terry Campos

Terry Campos, JD joined NCVLI in May 2008. Click here to read Terry’s bio or read on to learn more about Terry in her own words.

What one thing has surprised you or have you learned about victims’ rights since you started working at NCVLI?
I was most surprised by the need for victims’ rights in the first place– that there was this population out there that had a need for protection, but no one was regularly advocating for them. As a former defense attorney I always looked at a criminal case as being about the defendant; victims played a very small role in my analysis of cases. In fact, I really did not think about victims and how the criminal justice system worked (or didn’t work) for them. Now that I am focused on the criminal case from the victim’s stand point, I see over and over how poorly victims are treated in the criminal justice system (without justification), and how laws are necessary to prevent such treatment.

As an organization what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
NCVLI’s employees; the aggregate brain power, complementary talents, and dedication to the mission make this a great organization.

What would you most like NCVLI or the victims’ rights movement to accomplish in the next five years? Twenty years?
5-Year goal: I would like to see the movement develop a larger core of victims’ rights attorneys who provide pro bono services to crime victims. 20-Year goal: The movement has developed to the point where victim law is a common field of study in law schools and victim law jurisprudence is familiar to all attorneys. This would include a familiarity of victims’ rights in the general populace as well (something akin to the common knowledge of Miranda warnings and defendants’ rights).

Who or what inspires you?
I am truly inspired by individuals who stand up to do what is right at the risk of their own well-being or comfort.

What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?
Furniture refinishing; upholstery; jewelry making; sewing; drawing; painting; knitting; bead making; crafting.