Spotlight: NCVLI Staff Profile: Scott Flor

Scott Flor

Staff Accountant

Scott Flor joined NCVLI as a Staff Accountant in May 2008.

Why did you first get interested in working with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I have been interested in victims’ rights and the idea of bringing more balance to the criminal justice system for a number of years but in 2008 decided to work in support of an organization that aligned with these interests and was actually doing something to accomplish them.

What one thing has surprised you or have you learned about victims’ rights since you started at NCVLI?
It was something of a stunning realization to discover, not so much that there were other individuals and organizations in the broader world which held the same ideas and goals as I did, but that the number was far greater than I imagined. Going into this I was aware of an occasional voice being raised for common sense or which brought a sense of equity to the criminal justice system but was truly heartened to learn that, though one does not hear of these organizations on a daily basis, there is a solid foundation of a dedicated movement working to change the current environment – for the better.

As an organization what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
Its amazing staff, Board, volunteers, and community partners. (Safely excluding myself from the ‘staff’ part…) It has truly been a privilege to work with such dedicated, smart people attempting, with very modest means, to bring focus and awareness to the subject of victims’ rights on a local, regional, and national scale and have a lasting, positive impact.

What has been the most rewarding thing you have done in your personal life?
I got married and somehow managed to not annoy my wife such that she has stuck around and continues to tolerate me – and enrich my existence.

When someone asks you what NCVLI does or why victims’ rights are important, what do you tell them?
Victims’ rights are important if a basic sense of justice and humanity in the treatment of people who have been involuntarily put into circumstances and situations that any reasonable creature would actively avoid are important. Through no fault of their own their lives have often been negatively, severely disrupted and forever changed. They have been subjected to physical injury, material losses, psychological stresses and bereavement, and countless hours of life’s time spent in legal processes, all of it uninvited. To recognize and allow that victims of criminal actions should have some basic rights of their own as a result of that action should be important to everyone.