Spotlight: NCVLI Staff Profile: Rufio


NCVLI Staff Profile

NCVLI has recently welcomed another Junior Morale Officer to the team! Meet Rufio and learn a little more about why he chose to join the NCVLI family in his own words (translated by Annie Smith).

When did you first get interested in working with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
Annie kept talking to me about NCVLI and how the work they do with victims’ rights extends to places I’ve never even heard of before, all over the country! When she mentioned there were other dog friends I could meet at her office, the choice was clear: I had to get involved!

As an organization, what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
The staff, volunteers and interns here are my kind of humans. They are fun, caring, invested in rights for all victims, and to top it off they give me the best belly scrubs and treats! Do you have any treats?

Who or what inspires you?
I immediately perk up if I smell a treat or see one of our regular office volunteers—they love me almost as much as I love them! Also, my friend Hopper really loves to play with me (as long as we’re quiet) which makes me really happy. Whenever we can’t play together we sit and stare at each other across the office hallway. But mostly…mostly, it’s the treats that really motivate me.

What are your hobbies?
Food. I love food. Also playing with my dog friends and taking walks with Annie in the woods. But mostly food. Do you have any food?