Spotlight: NCVLI Staff Profile: Bruce


Employee Relations Specialist

Bruce joined NCVLI in 2016 as an employee relations specialist shortly after becoming a guide dog puppy-in-training. Read on to learn more about Bruce in his own words. Click here to read about Bruce’s raiser, NCVLI Staff Attorney Becca Khalil.

Why did you first get interested in working with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I LOVE coming to work!  I love greeting everyone in the office and offering to share my toys with them.  And I am always available for a hug, a pet, and a big doggy grin.  My first day at NCVLI was the best, and I knew it was for me – I come as often as possible to practice my future guide dog skills and see all of my friends!

As an organization what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
Everyone here loves me.  They clearly all have wonderful taste.  NCVLI has no shortage of “dog people,” and if anyone looks like they are too serious, I am there to remind them to take a minute to smile and have fun with me!

What are your hobbies?
When I am not snoozing on my bed in the office or chewing on a nice bone or two, I enjoy practicing obedience skills, playing with the other dogs in my life, and spending time with “my humans.”  One of my favorite hobbies is trying to convince my people that they haven’t fed me yet – even if they have – there’s always a small chance that someone will mess up and give me two meals in a row!  My favorite place to visit is the beach – there are so many sights and smells to experience, even if I’m not allowed to chase the birds.

What has been the most rewarding thing you have done in your professional life?
The best part of my life is yet to come!  When I am around 18 months old, I will go on to the next phase of my training and hopefully become a guide dog for someone who is blind or visually impaired.  I think I will be an amazing guide dog one day!

Who or what inspires you?
I am very motivated by love and affection.  The way to my heart is to praise me and give me big hugs – and my best reward is getting to spend all day with the people I love.  I am friendly and outgoing, and I love meeting new people and experiencing new things!