Spotlight: NCVLI Board Member Profile: Sean Riddell

Sean Riddell

NCVLI Board Member Profile

The compassionate, devoted members of NCVLI’s Board of Directors come from all walks of life, and many bring the perspective of personal experience with victimization to their work for victims.  In this NCVLI Board Member Spotlight, we aim to share with the community a glimpse into the insights of the people working behind the scenes to help shape NCVLI’s work for victims.

NCVLI welcomed Col. Sean Riddell, JD in May 2019 as the newest member of NCVLI’s Board of Directors

What attracted you to NCVLI Board service, generally?
I have long followed the work of NCVLI.   As a former prosecutor and plaintiff’s attorney I was always impressed with NCVLI’s work and mission.  I am excited to be a part of the organization and look forward to contributing.

What has been the most rewarding thing you’ve done in your professional and/or personal life?
In my personal life, I find being a parent the most rewarding and challenging.  I have two daughters and helping them conquer challenges, while allowing them room to fail; this occupies most of a my time outside of work.  In my professional life, serving as a Marine is the most rewarding and challenging.  I often state that serving in the Marine Corps is a life of extremes.  I have never been so tired.  I have never had more energy.  I have never felt more confident and I have never been more humbled.  My retirement is scheduled for January 2020 and I will most definitely miss my time in uniform.

Why should someone else get involved with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I came to the understanding that victims were under-served in our judicial system later in my career.  To be honest, I am not proud of some of my interactions with victims as a prosecutor, but I hope to help others learn from my shortcomings.  It is my belief that we owe it to the victims of the future to give them a stronger voice in the system and hope that others can join us in that goal.