Spotlight: Law Student Profile: Colette McEldowney

Colette McEldowney

Law Student Profile

Colette McEldowney is a second year law student who began interning with NCVLI in the fall of 2010.  Colette has worked on a wide range of victims’ rights legal work from performing a state survey of statute of limitations on child sexual assault prosecutions to preparing a legal memorandum on whether the Oregon practice of providing conditional immunity to juvenile sex offenders when they disclose additional assault victims during sex offender treatment violates victims’ rights.  NCVLI is lucky to have such a talented and passionate intern contributing valuable legal work to the victims’ rights field.  Colette has this to say about her internship with NCVLI:    

“I have absolutely loved my time at NCVLI. Not only have I been able to expand on my knowledge in an area that I am passionate about, but I have also been blessed to work with inspiring leaders in Victims’ Rights who amaze me every day. I have had the benefit of guidance from some of the most talented attorneys I have encountered, who work hard to not only empower victims but to share their wisdom and talent with those around them.

I have learned about areas of the law that I was previously unaware of, and how they apply in a practical sense. My work here has allowed me to step beyond the parameters of work done in the classroom, to see how things apply in the real world. The skills and lessons that I learned in my time at NCVLI will stay with me throughout the duration of my legal career. I have always desired to give a voice to those who may be unable to speak, and as I move toward my summer employment with the District Attorney’s office, I know I will do so with an enriched knowledge of what justice entails.”

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