Spotlight: Intern Profile: Marion Huyot

Marion Huyot


Marion Huyot is a French law student who volunteered at NCVLI in the Spring of 2017. Learn more about her.

What did you know about victims’ rights before working at NCVLI?
Before working at NCVLI I knew nothing about victims’ rights. Moreover I did not know that there were some nonprofit organizations such as NCVLI whose everyday work is to try to help crime victims and improve their living condition after a crime.

What did you do while working at NCVLI?
While working at NCVLI I helped the staff to prepare the conference by searching hotels, activities and restaurants for the attendees at the conference. I also helped to prepare all the materials needed for this big event. After the conference I read all the evaluations of the conference and entered them in a tracking spreadsheet. Moreover, I worked on the Digest 101 by finding news about international crime victims’ rights.

What is something that stands out in your work with NCVLI?
The main thing that I will remember from my month with NCVLI is the Crime Victim Law Conference which I had the chance to attend. During these 2 two days I helped at the information table but also I had the opportunity to listen to some presenters. Even it was very difficult to understand everything it was really interesting to prepare and see all of that.

What is your school, year, course of study?
In France I’m in my first year of law school at university. I have to do 4 more years at university to become a jurist, then I have to study 2 more years to become a lawyer.

What do you do for fun/What are your hobbies?
When I have free time I like to sports such as climbing or running. I also enjoy spending time with my family and my friends, watch series, and shopping…. Finally what I really like to do is travel!