Spotlight: Intern Profile: Jared Bordere

Jared Bordere


Jared Bordere, a law student at Southern University of Baton Rouge Law Center, interned for NCVLI in the summer of 2016. Keep reading to learn more about Jared and how he got involved.

What did you about victims’ rights before working at NCVLI?
I honestly can say I knew little about Victims Rights before working at NCVLI. The experience has really opened up my eyes to an entire different aspect of the criminal justice system that does not get enough attention nationwide. There are really good people at NCVLI doing good work to help people, and I’m honored to be one of those people this summer.

How did you get involved with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I got involved with NCVLI through interning. A family friend thought I would be a great fit and recommended that I apply for a internship.

What have you learned while working at NCVLI?
I have learned a multitude of things working at NCVLI. The most important thing I learned was what it is like to work with like-minded people who share the common values of justice. The lawyers there helped me focus on specific legal issues through researching statutes and cases, which aided to briefs that helped victims across the country.

If you could change one thing about the current victims’ rights environment, be it legal, political, public recognition, victim services, etc., what would it be?
I would bring more public recognition to the topic. While there is much work to be done with legislation within each individual state, we are doing a disservice if we don’t exercise the Victims Rights we already have.

What is your school, year, course of study?
I graduate in May of 2018 from Southern Law Center in Baton Rouge. I am also pursing my Masters as well as my JD. This fall 2016 I will be a third year law student.

What are your hobbies/what do you do for fun?
I love to be active. I enjoy cross fit, hiking, playing sports, and spending time with my son.