Spotlight: Intern Profile: Bobbie Soto

Bobbie Soto


Bobbie Soto is a Criminology major at Portland State University who interned at NCVLI in the Fall of 2017. Read on to learn more about her.

What did you know about victims’ rights before working at NCVLI?
Before working at NCVLI I knew very little about victims’ rights. I essentially only knew that victims had rights but I didn’t know what that entailed.  In the beginning of my internship, I had to opportunity to sit down with Meg and asked her how she got involved with victims’ rights?  She chuckled and said, “if you ask anyone in this office they will tell you they knew very little about victims’ rights before joining the NCVLI community as well!”

What have you learned while working at NCVLI?
I was able to sit in on some of the clinical law classes, which propelled my excitement to attend law school. I have learned many different facets that NCVLI deals with on a daily basis; one of the most fascinating classes was The Neurobiology of Domestic Violence. Throughout my internship experience I have gained knowledge on the ins and outs of a nonprofit, how they impact peoples lives and how much work it takes to keep a nonprofit organization running.

What did you do while working at NCVLI?
During my internship, I was responsible for a handful of different projects. I wanted to enhance my researching skills so many of my projects were researched based. I assembled resource lists that were made available to victims’ that need assistance throughout the Portland Area. I also assisted with creating a replication plan for the Wrap-Round Legal Assistance Project. The most memorable event during my internship was the coordination of the CLE Training in October on the Neurobiology of Domestic Violence. I contacted hundreds of attorneys, personally inviting them to the conference.  This contribution and preparation on the day of assisted in this event being a complete success! 

How has working at NCVLI impacted you?
Working at NCVLI has impacted me in an encouraging way. I was introduced to a side of the criminal justice system that is rarely spoken of. I have learned more during this short internship than I have in most college courses. At the completion of my internship, I will definitely miss the comeradery and the great work that is being done by NCVLI, but I will be leaving a better person and definitely an advocate for victims’ rights. 

What did you like most about working at NCVLI?
What I liked most about working at NCVLI is that you immediately feel a part of a community. Everyone is so happy to be here and are constantly supporting each other. I also enjoyed how everyone likes to joke around with each other, which makes the work place feel more like home. I always felt like all of my work was highly appreciated even if it was the simplest task.