Spotlight: Intern: Caitlin Egeck

Caitlin Egeck


Caitlin Egeck is one of NCVLI’s Legal Interns for the Spring of 2014 and is currently a second year law student at Lewis & Clark Law School. Caitlin shared a little bit about herself.

As an organization what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
NCVLI’s greatest strength is its staff and volunteers, who are genuinely passionate about advancing crime victims’ rights.

What one thing has surprised you or have you learned about victims’ rights since coming to NCVLI?
The thing that has surprised me most about victims’ rights since coming to NCVLI is lack of general knowledge in the legal field regarding victims’ rights.

When someone asks you what NCVLI does or why victims’ rights are important, what do you tell them?
Victims’ rights are important because anyone can become a victim at any time and victims deserve to have a voice and protection in a system that often takes them for granted.

If you could change one thing about the current victims’ rights environment, be it legal, political, public recognition, victim social/psychological services, etc., what would it be?
If I could change one thing about the current victims’ rights environment, it would be nice to see more law schools throughout the country incorporate victims’ rights into their criminal justice courses.

What are your hobbies?
In my free time, I enjoy hiking, camping, traveling with my family, and exploring Portland.