Spotlight: Communications & Events Coordinator: Annie Smith

Annie Smith

Communications & Events Coordinator

NCVLI is excited to welcome Annie Smith, our new Communications & Events Coordinator.  She is already hard at work preparing for the Voices for Justice Reception and assisting with our upcoming mailers.

Why did you first get interested in working with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I learned about NCVLI fairly recently; while looking for human rights-based work in the Northwest, a friend recommended I check out the organization.  I was surprised to learn about the topic of victims’ rights (something I was not aware of initially). When I learned that NCVLI works nationally, creating a bigger impact that created meaningful, thorough and thoughtful conversation that impacts the entire country, I was hooked.

As an organization what is NCVLI’s greatest strength?
The relationships we build locally and nationally as an organization, and personally as staff, are the positive forces that drive the rest of the work we do.

What are your hobbies?
I enjoy creating community spaces wherever I land.  I have a deep love of writing, exploring the American West, and taking aimless walks in beautiful weather.  The words “ping pong tournament” and “macaroni and cheese bake-off” are music to my ears. Last but not least, play-dates with my pup, Rufio, are the highlights of my day.

When someone asks you what NCVLI does or why victims’ rights are important, what do you tell them?
Any of us is susceptible to be a victim of a crime and any of us could know a victim of a crime in our lifetime.  If both awareness and action toward promoting the rights and voice of victims are a present and part of our society, we will be able to do our own part to ensure the justice system works the way it was intended to work, and to lessen the damage done to those who are impacted by the crimes.  NCVLI ensures that this work is up-front and center in our law and advocacy centers, as well as public policy arenas.

Why should someone else get involved with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
Victims’ rights are universal in terms of relevance.  By lending your expertise to promote advocacy education and public policy that makes space for victims to be heard and heeded, you’re investing in a more just world, which also preserves your future and the future of those you know and love.