Spotlight: CLVC Student Profile: Ali Klima

Ali Klima

CLVC Student Profile

Ali is a law student at Lewis & Clark Law School; she has been an incredible volunteer with NCVLI and is now the newest student of our Crime Victim Litigation Clinic (CLVC).  Read more about Ali below!

Why did you first get interested in becoming involved with NCVLI and victims’ rights?
I first became interested in victims’ rights in college after working for my campus’ sexual assault hotline and volunteering for a local women’s shelter. These experiences shaped my passion for victim advocacy – specifically as it relates to survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

What one thing has surprised you or have you learned about victims’ rights since you started as an NCVLI Crime Victim Litigation Clinic student?
What continues to surprise me is the relative newness of the crime victims’ rights movement, which has really only gained traction in the last few decades. People all too frequently forget that victims of crime are not sideline players in the criminal process, but rather individuals entitled to be present at proceedings, to be seen and heard, and to restitution – in addition to a myriad of other constitutionally protected rights.

Why should law students consider becoming part of the CLVC?
Law students from all backgrounds and interests should consider participating in the Crime Victim Litigation Clinic. Victims’ rights are impacted in every facet of the law, from criminal to environmental to animal law. The opportunities for research are endless!

What are your hobbies when you aren’t studying?
When I’m not studying, my hobbies include cooking with friends, exploring the PNW, napping with my cat, and reading for fun (definitely not casebooks). I am also president of the Crime Victims’ Rights Alliance!