Spotlight: Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights Honored with 2011 Victims’ Rights Partnership Award

Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights

2011 Victims’ Rights Partnership Award

The Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights received NCVLI’s 2011 Victims’ Rights Partnership Award for their work protecting victims’ rights.

NCVLI’s Outstanding Achievement Awards recognize attorneys, advocates, and organizations that have made significant and notable contributions to the enhancement of crime victims’ status and standing within the criminal justice system.  The Victims’ Rights Partnership Award recognizes the collaborative efforts of individuals and/or organizations who have devoted their time to advancing crime victims’ rights.  The awards are presented each year at NCVLI’s Crime Victim Law Conference.

About the Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights

The Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights (OVR) is a legislative agency created by the Alaska Legislature in 2001. The OVR assists crime victims by advocating and enforcing their constitutional rights and statutory protections in the criminal justice system. The OVR functions as the legal advocate in state court for crime victims of all felony offenses, all class A misdemeanors involving domestic violence, and class A misdemeanors involving crimes against the person. The OVR also investigates criminal justice agencies and makes recommendations on behalf of crime victims and their interests. The OVR provides education and information to crime victims to improve their experience in the criminal justice system.

The OVR works with community and system based advocacy groups supporting crime victims throughout Alaska. The goal of this collaborative effort is to improve the administration of justice in Alaska courts and amplify the voice of crime victims. The office of the OVR is located in Anchorage, Alaska. The OVR team is comprised of six dedicated legal professionals: Executive Director, Victor Kester; Victims’ Advocate, Kathy J. Hansen; Victims’ Advocate, Shaun Sehl; Canice Bryson, Legal Assistant; Dana-Murphy Hoffman, Legal Assistant; and, Investigator, Gary Lee. The OVR maintains a philosophy of building cooperative and collaborative relationships with criminal justice agencies to further the interests of crime victims and to strengthen their role in seeking justice in Alaska courts.

Past Recipients of the Victims’ Rights Partnership Award Include:
o Grant County Prosecutor’s Office & Dano, Gilbert & Ahrend P.L.L.C. (2006)
o Attorney General Hardy Myers (2007)
o Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office, James McIntyre, & Russ Rato (2008)
o Mónica Ramírez (2009)
o Victim Witness Section of the United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Arizona (2010)