Spotlight: 2014 Writing Contest: Alexandra Kinsella

Alexandra Kinsella

2014 Writing Contest

Alexandra Kinsella is a writing contest winner for NCVLI’s 2014 Conference. Alexandra is a second year law student at the University of Colorado School of Law.  She is interested in women’s rights, international human rights, and indigenous people’s rights. Alexandra worked for the Rocky Mountain Victim Legal Center in Denver the summer of 2013 and was impressed and touched by the amount of dedication, intelligence, and goodness the people there generated each day.  She wants to continue to be a part of the Victim’s Rights community, especially regarding the rights of women, believing that  important policy changes must be made on all levels regarding the human rights of women, and the discussion must begin with the women themselves. Alexandra believes the law has the potential catalystic power to bring about widespread change, and when done in a mindful and encompassing way, this change can positively affect household relations. Seeing that education and understanding are at the root of respect, Alexandra believes the future of victim’s rights must encompass these ideals.