Spotlight: 2014 Volunteer of the Year: Elizabeth Morrison

Elizabeth Morrison
2014 Volunteer of the Year
NCVLI’s Volunteer Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated a deep commitment to victims’ rights by providing significant contributions to NCVLI’s work on behalf of victims.
Elizabeth Morrison came to NCVLI in November 2013 after graduating from Washington State University with her Bachelors of Arts. There she studied Political Science with an emphasis in Pre-Law. Her interests include the Military Legal System as well International Law. “Before starting for NCVLI, I was not aware that Victims’ Rights was an area of law that has so much room for advancement. Volunteering for NCVLI has given me the vision and inspiration to empower victims and help advocate for their voice to be heard.” From event planning to data entry to creating publications, Elizabeth has been a part of many aspects of NCVLI’s work for victims. So far Elizabeth has donated more than 250 hours to NCVLI with plans to continue donating through the end of the year. She also works as a waitress at Cactus Yaya in Vancouver Washington. In her spare time Elizabeth enjoys exploring the wonders of the Pacific Northwest; reading suspense, mysteries and current events; traveling; and following a paleo lifestyle.