Our Team

NCVLI’s staff has more than 100 years combined experience serving survivors of crime. Our staff of compassionate and knowledgeable lawyers, advocates, program managers, and operations experts are led by an equally amazing Board of Directors that hails from across the country and an Advisory Council of complementary experts. Get to know us.

Our Board of Directors

Laura Abbott

Member; Health Educator/Injury Prevention Trainer

Dr. David Black

Member; Governance Committee

Dr. Nicole Clavo


Kathleen Cady

Member; Fundraising & Education Committee

Christine Dunn


Ryan Guilds

Member; Fundraising & Education Committee

Adelaide Kahn


Nela Kalpic


Adrian Perry


Sean J. Riddell

President of the Board; Executive Committee and Finance Committee

Lisa Zauner

Treasurer of the Board; Executive Committee, Governance Committee and Chair of Finance Committee

Our Advisory Council

In 2013 NCVLI’s Board of Directors formally created a Victims’ Rights Advisory Council. The function of the Council is to advise and make non-binding recommendations to NCVLI in order to strengthen the impact of NCVLI’s work to protect, advance, and enforce victims’ rights, to raise awareness about victims’ rights, and to call the larger community to action. The creation of the Advisory Council was inspired by invaluable contributions of long-time Advisory Board Member Diane Humetewa, who demonstrated by example how community members can make tremendous contributions to the work of NCVLI without being full Board members.

Valenda Applegarth, JD

Lilly Grace Blakely

Julie A. Braun

Jennifer A. Brobst, JD, LL.M.

Anne P. DePrince, PhD

Helene R. Davis

Kimberly Griffith, JD

Gen. Richard Harding, JD

Margaret Harwell

Lakeydra Houston

Courtney Kiehl

Benjamin Lull

Rachel Monaco-Wilcox, JD

Olivia Ortiz

Cari Simon, JD

Jill Sorenson

David Thomas

Key Staff

Click on a staff member to learn more about them and their position with NCVLI.

Julie K. Hester, MBA

Director of Administration and Operations

Meg Garvin, MA, JD, Mst

Executive Director

Sarah LeClair, JD

Legal Publications Director

Susie Cowen, JD

Legal Team

Terry L. Campos, JD

Legal Team



Junior Employee Relations Specialist