The American Bar Association’s website will guide you to a list of resources in your state, including pro bono legal representation for victims in civil cases.Contact:800-285-2221
The American Bar Association’s website will guide you to a list of resources in your state, including pro bono legal representation for victims in civil cases.Contact:800-285-2221
The Tribal Resource Toolkit is a searchable, web-based resource mapping tool that provides a listing of services available for all AI/AN victims and survivors of crime and abuse and identifies gaps in victim services so those can be addressed. Contact:...
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute website provides information about victimization issues and the native community, on topics such as sexual assault, domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse, and tribal housing. Contact: 323-650-5467
Through StrongHearts, Native callers can connect one-on-one with knowledgeable StrongHearts advocates who can provide immediate support, personalized safety planning, crisis intervention, and referrals to Native-centered resources. Advocates are available Monday...
The National Indian Justice Center website provides links to native organizations and federal agencies that serve the Native American community, as well as links to resources providing information such as tribal laws and codes. Contact: 707-579-5507
Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of the community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Trans Lifeline’s Hotline is a peer support...
Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Contact: 510.587.9696
Transgender victims, like all victims of sexual assault, want and deserve to be respected, heard, believed, served, and supported. This guide will help you do just that. Click here for the full guide.
The NSVRC does not provide direct services to sexual assault victims but rather supports those who do, such as coalitions and rape crisis centers. A database of organizations that provide direct services is available on the NSVRC website. Contact: (717)...
The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) addresses the pervasive problem of violence committed against and within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and HIV-affected communities. Contact: (212) 714-1141