
Stalking Resource Center

The Stalking Resource Center is a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime. The Center’s dual mission is to raise national awareness of stalking and to encourage the development and implementation of multidisciplinary responses to stalking in local...


The VictimConnect Resource Center is a place for crime victims to learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately. A program of the National Center for Victims of Crime, it combines a helpline, an online chat, and web-based...

LawHelp assists low and moderate income people in finding free legal aid programs in their communities and answers to questions about their legal rights.  LawHelp’s website has referrals to resources for each state, including a mix of self-help...

How do I find an attorney?

You have legal rights in a criminal case, and whether you choose to represent yourself, retain an attorney to represent your interests, or rely on the prosecuting attorney to assist you is a personal decision. If you decide to retain an attorney, be prepared to...