Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a member program of advocates for victims of domestic violence and stalking statewide. Their website has referrals to local services and resources for victims such as shelter programs. Contact: (501)-907-5612
Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault
The Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations working together toward the elimination of sexual violence and advocating for sexual assault victims’ rights and services. ACASA provides cohesion, vision and...
Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Program
This program provides financial assistance to victims of crime for expenses such as medical and counseling costs, loss of wages, loss of support, crime scene cleanup, and funeral costs. Contact:501-682-1020
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC®) provides ongoing emotional support to help parents and other survivors of homicide facilitate the reconstruction of a “new life” and to promote a healthy resolution. Not only does POMC® help survivors deal with their grief, but...