Victims for Justice is an independent non-profit working to ensure Alaskans affected by violent crime get the support they need and deserve. Victims for Justice helps victims cope with trauma and grief and ensure that victims' rights are observed within the judicial...
Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights
The Office of Victims’ Rights is an agency of the Alaska Legislature that provides free legal services to victims of crime to help them obtain the rights they are guaranteed under the Alaska constitution and statutes with regard to their contacts with police,...
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assualt (ANDVSA)
ANDVSA is committed to eliminating domestic violence and sexual assault against all Alaskans. They are a nonprofit, membership corporation made up of 22 programs statewide that provide services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, including emergency...
Alaska Victim-Witness Assistance Program
Alaska’s Department of Law provides a Victim-Witness Assistance Program for victims whose cases are being prosecuted. A coordinator can provide services such as help with employers and travel arrangements, advocacy and information about the criminal justice process,...
Alaska Violent Crimes Compensation Board
This program provides financial assistance to victims of crime for expenses such as medical and counseling costs, loss of wages, loss of support, and funeral costs. Contact: 907-465-3040800-764-3040
Alaska Institute for Justice
The Alaska Institute for Justice (formerly Alaska Immigration Justice Project) is a nonprofit agency that provides low-cost immigration legal assistance to immigrants and refugees in all immigration applications including citizenship, permanent resident status, work...
Alaska United States Attorney’s Office Victim-Witness Program
The role of the United States Attorney is to prosecute cases fairly and justly. If you are identified as a victim under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, we will make our best effort to ensure you are provided the rights and services you are entitled to. The mission of...