NCVLI’s annual Crime Victim Law Conference, now in its 14th year, continues to be the only national conference focusing on rights enforcement in criminal cases, which is a critical but often overlooked component of holistic victim services. The Conference provides participants with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to provide effective legal services to victims of crime. The Conference will take place May 28-29, 2015 in Portland, Oregon.
We are thrilled to announce three keynote speakers for this year’s Conference.
The opening plenary features Chief Judge James E. Baker, who was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces on September 19, 2000 and has presided over numerous cases arising under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, authored the Kastenberg decision, a landmark ruling on victim attorney standing that marked a sea change for victims’ rights in the military. Click here to learn more about Judge Baker.
This year’s closing plenary features two national recognized campus sexual assault survivors turned advocates. Entitled Surviving Campus Sexual Violence: Two Survivors’ Paths to Advocacy, Laura Dunn, JD and Executive Director of SurvJustice, and Brenda Tracy, Nurse, Activist, and Sexual Assault Survivor, discuss their experiences and their advocacy to change the law. This plenary is free and open to the public but requires registration. Click here to register.
CLE credits are being applied for from the Oregon State Bar for the National Crime Victim Law Conference
Questions about the program? Please check the FAQ tab. If you do not find an answer please contact us at or 503-768-6819.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
7:30 – 8:45 AM: Registration and Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00 AM: Welcome and Opening Remarks
Meg Garvin, MA, JD, Executive Director, National Crime Victim Law Institute
9:00 – 10:00 AM: Opening Plenary
Victims’ Rights in Judicial Decision Making: A Case Study of the Military
Hon. James Baker, Chief Judge to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
10:00 – 10:20 AM: Break
10:20 – 11:35 AM: Breakout Session 1
Getting the Story Right: Giving Victims an Authentic Voice for Change
Rachel Monaco-Wilcox, JD, Chair and Assistant Professor, Justice Department, Mount Mary University and LOTUS Legal Clinic
Creative Legal Remedies: Thinking Outside Traditional Justice System Paradigms
Diane Moyer, JD, Legal Director, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, NCVLI Board Member
Jennifer Storm, Victim Advocate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, NCVLI Board Member
Foundational Victims’ Rights Motion Practice
Amy Liu, JD, Attorney, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Addressing Witness Tampering to Save Victims and Your Case
Sarah Buel, JD, Professor of Clinical Law, Arizona State University
11:35 AM: Lunch Begins
12:00 – 1:00 PM: Luncheon Plenary
Emerging Promising Practices in Protecting, Enforcing, & Advancing Victims’ Rights
Panel Discussion – Speakers TBD
1:00 – 1:20 PM: Break
1:20 – 2:35 PM: Breakout Session 2
Rights without Remedies? Searching for Effective Responses to Violations of Crime Victims’ Rights
Paul Cassell, JD, Professor of Criminal Law, S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah
Helping Sexual Assault Victims Navigate the Criminal Justice System by Creating More Effective Partnerships between Attorneys and Victim Advocates
Claudia Bayliff, JD, Project Attorney, Legal Momentum
When U.S. Citizens are Victims of Crime Overseas
Victoria Bonasera, M.A.
Legal Realities and Remedies in the Emerging World of Revenge Porn
Carrie A. Goldberg, JD, C.A. Goldberg, PLLC
2:35 – 2:55 PM: Break
2:55 – 4:10 PM: Breakout Session 3
Representing Child-Victims: Military and Civilian Perspectives
Steven J. Kelly, JD, Attorney, Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin & White, LLC
Capt. Aimee Murray, JD, US Army
Achieving Judicially Created Victims’ Rights
Doug Beloof, JD, Professor, Lewis & Clark Law School, NCVLI Board Member
Restitution: Identifying Amounts, Securing an Order, & Collecting on the Order
Hon. Roland Steinle, Judge, Superior Court, Maricopa County, Arizona
Dan Levey, Executive Director, National Organization Of Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.
Randall Udelman, JD, Attorney, DeFusco & Udelman, P.L.C.
Timeout: A Trek in Tryon (bring comfortable walking/hiking shoes)
Christopher Wilson, Psy.D.
Roland Begin, Friends of Tryon Creek
4:10 – 4:30 PM: Break
4:30-5:00 PM Awards Presentations
5:00: Crime Victims’ Rights Reception
Friday, May 29, 2015
8:00 – 8:30 AM: Registration and Breakfast
8:30 – 8:40 AM: Welcome and Announcements
8:40 – 9:20 AM Opening Plenary
See Me. Hear Me. I Am Here: Justice is a Matter of Translation
S. Renee Mitchell, Creative Revolutionist
9:20 – 9:40 AM: Break
9:40 – 10:55 AM: Breakout Session 4
Victims’ Rights in Law: A Cross-Border Comparison
Doug Beloof, JD, Professor, Lewis & Clark Law School, NCVLI Board Member
Sue O’Sullivan, Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
Litigation as Part of a Holistic Approach to Sexual Abuse Survivors’ Rights and Recovery Brenda Tracy, Nurse, Activist, and Sexual Assault Survivor
Peter Janci, JD, Partner, Crew Janci LLP
Jacqueline Swanson, JD, Associate Attorney, Crew Janci LLP
Affording Victims’ Rights While Avoiding the Unauthorized Practice of Law
Rebecca Khalil, JD, Attorney, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Learning from Campus Sexual Violence Research
Nicole Wilkes, M.P.H., Research Associate, Crime Victims’ Institute, Sam Houston State University
10:55 – 11:15 AM: Break
11:15 – 12:30 PM: Breakout Session 5
It Doesn’t End at Conviction: Victims’ Rights Post-Conviction– A Panel Discussion
Danielle Tudor, Activist, Victim-Survivor
Rosemary Brewer, JD, Legal Director, Oregon Crime Victims Law Center
Ronelle Shankle, Program Coordinator, Post-Conviction Victim Advocacy Program, Oregon Department of Justice
Opening the Door to Justice: Exploring the Connection between Crime Victims’ Rights Representation and Increases in Police Reports of Sexual Assault
Kristin Eliason, JD, Senior Managing Attorney, Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Bridgette Harwood, JD, Co-Executive Director, Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Matthew Ornstein, JD, Senior Managing Attorney, Network for Victim Recovery of DC
Fighting Subpoenas for Privileged Records in the Trial Court and Beyond
Russell Butler, JD, Executive Director, Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.
Victor Stone, JD, Staff Attorney, Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc.
Advocating for Privacy to Help Survivors Breathe Again
Meg Garvin, MA, JD, Executive Director, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Alison Wilkinson, JD, Attorney, National Crime Victim Law Institute
12:30 PM: Lunch Begins
12:45 – 1:45 PM: Luncheon Plenary
If I Only Had a Brain, the Flaw in the Scarecrow’s Logic: A Scientific Understanding of Vicarious Trauma
Christopher Wilson, Psy.D.
1:45 – 2:05 PM: Break
2:05 – 3:20PM: Breakout Session 6
Enforcing Victims’ Rights and Protective Orders in Tribal Court: An Update to VAWA 2013
Michael Andrews, JD, Managing Attorney, DC Crime Victims’ Resource Center
Ruth Jewell, Senior Program Associate, National Center for Victims of Crime
Facilitated Case Rounds
Terry Campos, JD, Attorney, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Sarah LeClair, JD, Attorney, National Crime Victim Law Institute
Legal Advocacy for Campus Survivors: Title IX and Beyond
Cari Simon, JD, Title IX and Victims’ Rights Attorney, Bode & Fierberg’s School Violence Law Practice
Emerging Victims’ Rights Litigation in the Military: A Branch-by-Branch Update
Speakers TBA
3:20 – 3:40 PM: Break
3:40- 5:00 PM: Closing Plenary
Surviving Campus Sexual Violence: Two Survivors’ Paths to Advocacy
Laura Dunn, JD, Executive Director, SurvJustice
Brenda Tracy, Nurse, Activist, and Sexual Assault Survivor
5:00 PM End of Conference
Questions about the program? Please contact NCVLI at or 503-768-6819.
*NCVLI and its conference are not officially endorsed by the Department of Defense or USAF
Q: How many CLE credits are available through Conference?
A: For Oregon Attorneys: Prior Conferences have had 11-13 Oregon CLE credits available. NCVLI is in the process of applying for Oregon CLE credit, including at least 1 hour of ethics. We will have a precise number of approved credits available soon. For Other Attorneys: For states beyond Oregon please see the next FAQ.
Q: Are my CLE credits earned at Conference applicable outside of Oregon?
A: Attendees seeking CLE credit outside of Oregon will be provided with a certificate of attendance which notes the number of hours of training. Attendees can then petition their state Bar Association for credit. NCVLI does not seek certification outside of Oregon.
Q: Can my organization provide information to conference attendees? If so, how?
A: For a fee, NCVLI will have an unstaffed space for victim service nonprofit and governmental organizations to display literature such as brochures, pamphlets, and leaflets. A full table can be purchased for $500 and shared table for $250. Space is limited, however. Please contact us at to discuss the display of your materials.
Q: Are scholarships available for attendees?
A: Yes, professional development scholarships and a student scholarship are available. Please see the registration and tuition page for more information on how to apply.
Q: Can I get a DVD or CD of Conference content?
A: NCVLI does not provide CD or DVD of Conference materials. We do, however, provide attendees access to a password-protected website on which all Conference materials (e.g. PowerPoints, cases, pleadings) are uploaded and can be viewed and downloaded for personal use after Conference.
Q: Can I register for just one day of Conference?
A: Yes, single day rates are available. Please see the Conference program and registration & tuition page for further information.
Q: I registered for Conference but am only able to attend one day or cannot attend the event at all, can I transfer my registration to someone else?
A: No. We are unable to accommodate requests for transfer of registration from one party to another. If you have extenuating circumstances and would like to know more, please contact us at
Q: I am unable to attend Conference but would like a copy of Conference materials. How do I obtain a copy of the materials if I am not an attendee?
A: All materials provided at Conference or made available on the password protected website after the Conference are solely for the benefit of paid Conference attendees. If you are a paid attendee but simply cannot attend you will still have access to the password-protected website after the Conference. If you are not a paid attendee we cannot provide you the materials.
Q: Is transportation provided to the conference?
A: For attendees who stay downtown, transportation will be provided from the Marriott City Center Hotel to the Conference at Lewis & Clark Law School. There will be 2-3 departure times in the morning and 2-3 returning times in the evening. Parking is also available for attendees driving to campus.
Q: Who is the target audience?
Q: Is this Conference a look at victim’s rights at a national level?
A: The conference includes breakout sessions, and plenaries that address broad, national victims’ rights issues, but also offers glimpses of state- and local-level work so that individuals from different jurisdictions can learn from each other’s practices.
Q: In the overview it states the conference focuses on rights enforcement in criminal cases, what do you mean?
A: Most states have constitutional amendments and every state has a statutory scheme that afford victims’ rights during the criminal investigation and prosecution of the perpetrator. These right generally include the rights to be notified, present, and heard at certain times and to seek restitution. Often these rights are left to the prosecutor to assert on the victim’s behalf, which can mean that the rights are not advocated for as aggressively as a victim may hope, and at other times despite the prosecutor’s advocacy courts ignore the rights and no one seeks appellate relief. “Victims’ rights enforcement” is that part of victim law that is about victim’s asserting their rights independently in criminal trial courts and seeking appellate review when the rights are denied.
Q: For those of us funded by the Office of Violence against Women, is this an OVW-approved training?
A: We are currently seeking OVW approval for the conference and will post it online as soon as we receive it. Historically, we have always received approval so we anticipate being approved this year as well.
The 2015 Awards have been announced:
Outstanding Achievement Awards
– Legal Advocacy Award – Network for Victim Recovery of DC
– Gail Burns-Smith Excellence in Victim Services Award – Johanna Costa
– Victims’ Rights Partnership Award – Detective Carrie Hull
Past Recipients
Legal Advocacy Award
2014 – Amy Terrible
2013 – Russell Butler
2012 – Erin Olson
2011 – Steve Kelly
2010 – Heidi Nestel
2009 – Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project
2008 – Steven J. Twist
2007 – Jamie Mills
2006 – Cynthia Hora
2005 – Paul Cassell
2004 – Richard D. Pompelio
2003 – Jay Howell & Cynthia Lee Carter
2002 – Lyn Schollett
2001 – Wendy Murphy
Gail Burns-Smith Excellence in Victim Services Award
2014 – Catherine Harper Lee
2013 – Chanpone Sinlapasai
2012 – Jennifer Storm
2011- Anne Seymour
2010 – Steve Doell
2009 – Steve Derene
2008 – Roberta Roper
2007 – John Stein
2006 – Diane Moyer
2005 – Kathy Skaggs
2004 – Gail Burns-Smith
Victims’ Rights Partnership Award
2014 – Courthouse Dogs Foundation
2013 – Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)
2012 – Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center & Denver District Attorney’s Office
2011- Alaska Office of Victims’ Rights
2010 – Victim Witness Section of the United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Arizona
2009 – Mónica Ramírez
2008 – Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office, James McIntyre, & Russ Rato
2007 – Attorney General Hardy Myers
2006 – Grant County Prosecutor’s Office & Dano, Gilbert & Ahrend P.L.L.C.